Did you know?

Dr. Salman Habash was one of the first to perform laser vision correction in the middle east in 1995 .

We continue to bring new advances in vision correction technology to the region.

We were the first and exclusive provider of advanced costumvue LASIK in Jordan.

We were the first and exclusive provider of presbylasik in Jordan.

We were the first and exclusive provider of corneal collagene cross linking ryboflavin in Jordan.

We are the first and exclusive provider of Brightocular artificial iris implantation for changing eye color permanently in Jordan.

Clinic Address

Jordan Amman - Sweifieh - 7 Abdul Rahim Mohammed Street - Opposite Hardees Restaurant Parking

Center Phones:-

962775818371 - 96265818371 - 96265818372

Dr.'s Direct Phone +962 79 5540028

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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